
DSC ¸£Àû¼§ campus street sign

Nothing is more important than the success of our students.

The college is dedicated to removing obstacles, inspiring hope and confidence, and making the personal connections that convince our students they belong in college. Success means achievement in the classroom, in the workplace, and in life. 

The college keeps students and their unique characteristics in mind when identifying and evaluating goals and outcomes for student achievement, which is why the outcomes of completion/graduation rates, retention rates, placement rates, licensure exam pass rates, and course success rates are integral components of helping the college ensure students are achieving and succeeding.

Completion/Graduation Rate

Completion is a driver for helping students succeed and is central to the DSC mission statement. The college is using the new IPEDS Outcome Measure metric as the source for this outcome. This metric includes full- and part-time students, first time in college (FTIC) students, and transfer students, which more fully represents the wide range of students served at the college. This outcome uses the 8-year award rate.

Student Achievement Measure

Completion/Graduation rate


New IPEDS Outcome Measure metric


3% increased from baseline

Threshold of Acceptability

FCS IPEDS average

2023-2024 /2022-2023 / 2021-2022 / 2020-2021 / 2019-20202018-2019

Retention Rate 

Retention rates is fall-to-fall. This outcome measures how students are making progress toward completion. 

Student Achievement Measure

Retention rate


Institutional Research


3% from previous year rate

Threshold of Acceptability

DSC 5-year retention rate average

2023-20242022-20232021-2022 / 2020-2021 / 2019-2020 / 2018-2019

Placement Rates

Most programs at the college are meant to prepare students to enter the workforce upon completion. The college uses data from the Florida Education and Training Placement Information Program (FETPIP), which allows for a better comparison of data throughout the state. 

Student Achievement Measure

Placement rate




≥ FCS% for each program

Threshold of Acceptability

2% point below the FCS% for each program

2023-2024 /2022-20232021-2022 / 2020-2021 / 2019-20202018-2019

Licensure Exam Pass Rates

Student success in some workplace preparation programs is demonstrated by passing rates on mandatory licensing and/or certification exams. The college tracks these data carefully for the following programs: Barbering, Corrections, Cosmetology, Dental Hygiene, Emergency Medical Technician, Firefighting, Health Information Technology, Law Enforcement, Massage Therapy, Medical Assisting, Nursing, Occupational Therapy Assistant, Paramedic, Physical Therapist Assistant, Practical Nursing, Radiography, Respiratory Care, and Surgical Technology.

Student Achievement Measure

Licensure exam pass rate


Academic departments


Set by academic department/program accreditation body

Threshold of Acceptability

Set by academic department/program accreditation body

2023-2024 /2022-20232021-2022 2020-2021 2019-20202018-2019

Course Success Rates 

Course success rate is defined by any student that attempted a course and passed the course with a C or higher. This data is evaluated annually during Assessment Days for each program and department.This information is also presented by campus, delivery mode, by session and sub-sessions, and by race/ethnicity.

Student Achievement Measure

Course success rate


Institutional Research


2% increased from previous year

Threshold of Acceptability

≥ 70%

The college tracks course success rates of each individual course but also sets a goal to improve success rates by instructional modality each year to help address the achievement gap between face-to-face, online, and hybrid modalities.

Sample 2023-2024 / Sample 2022-2023 / Sample 2021-2022 Sample 2020-2021 / Sample 2019-2020 / Sample 2018-2019 

Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Compliance

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(386) 506-3969