Library & Tutoring
How can I start working with a tutor?
Academic Support Center
Receive in-person and/or virtual tutoring at no cost. In-person tutoring is available on a walk-in basis at any of our six ASC locations. Virtual tutoring can be accessed via live chat. In addition to tutoring, we offer many other to help you succeed.
(386) 506-3620
Writing Center
Schedule up to 3 appointments a week for assistance with any writing and communication project. Appointments last up to 45-minutes and can focus on any stage of the writing process. We strive to create a supportive learning environment that will foster student success and provide the and needed both on campus and online.
(386) 506-3297
Library Services
Our helpful librarians can show you how to locate and access resources through the , and they can also demonstrate how to effectively use the Internet to gather reliable information for better research papers. In addition to a wide variety of print resources, the library provides access to over 175,000 e-books, 30,000+ streaming videos, and millions of full-text scholarly and peer-reviewed articles. Please stop by the ¸£Àû¼§ or DeLand Library or contact a librarian via phone, email, or chat.
(386) 506-3518

The Attic

Academic Support Center Tutoring

Writing Center
Start Chatting Now
Librarians and tutors are available via live chat. Select a department to ask a question.

Things Tutors Can Do for You
Assist you in finding resources to complete your assignments.
Answer questions about course concepts.
Aid with basic computer functions and software.
Review and explain assignments (certain limitations on assistance may apply on assignments depending on instructor or department policy).
Offer suggestions on how to study course content to reach your academic goals.
Provide patient and helpful assistance in a positive environment.

Things Librarians Can Do
Assist with locating and using credible, accurate, reliable resources
Facilitate access to and navigation of resources
Demonstrate and assist with the research process
Identify various types of resources and assess their quality and relevance
Assist with defining or reframing research questions
Explain the necessity of evaluating resources and show how to critically evaluate any resource, whether print or electronic
Contribute to making the library a safe, welcoming, and inclusive space to encourage students’ questions and exploration of new ideas

GKT & TEAS Preparation
By the Numbers
Success rate for students in ENC1101 who had at least 1 appointment with the Writing Center compared to a 69% success rate for students who did not use the Writing Center.
Live chats with students in Fall 2021 by the Library, Writing Center and ASC.
Students felt more confident with subject matter after receiving tutoring from the ASC.