Publications & Surveys
Annual Publications
The Office of Institutional Research offers several standardized reports that are published annually.
Survey Requests
The Office of Institutional Research conducts a variety of survey analyses to support strategic planning efforts at 腦瞳憫. This includes participating in national surveys to publish college data to aid informed decision making among students and parents, as well as supporting College initiatives by providing survey administration assistance to internal researchers (DSC faculty and staff). Please note: external researchers, such as doctoral studies, are not eligible for these services and should contact the DSC Institutional Review Board (IRB) for more information.
IR coordinates with the Institutional Review Board to maintain research compliance. IRB approval is a federal requirement covering all types of research involving human subjects. Before IR can begin, the researcher must develop the questions and applicable result descriptions for their survey and send with a completed IRB form to Dr. Pearl Galano, IRB Chair. Please visit the IRB website for more details.
Once an official IRB approval letter has been received, IR will coordinate with the researcher to build the survey within the online survey management platform, Qualtrics. For questions regarding survey requests, please contact Dr. Andrea Gibson, Executive Director of Institutional Research.
Survey Results
As survey results become available, the Office of Institutional Research will analyze and develop presentation material to be published. Please check back for the most current survey results. Note: this applies to large-scale routine surveys as these results offer the most impact to the College. Internal researchers are encouraged to coordinate with IR regarding the results of their survey projects.