
student outside in sunglasses

Transient Student - Incoming

A transient student is one who enrolls in two colleges simultaneously.

A transient student may be admitted and enrolled at another college or university, but taking a course or courses at 腦瞳憫 at the same time to fulfill the other college's requirements.

Many university students take a class or two at DSC to get ahead while at home for the summer. Other reasons you might want to consider becoming a transient student are that your "main" college or university does not offer a course you need, does not offer a course at a convenient time, or you are in the 腦瞳憫 Beach area for an extended period of time.

When do classes start?

Visit the Academic Calendar for class start dates and deadlines.

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If your home institution is a Florida public college or university, apply at FloridaShines.

Students can download the FloridaShines mobile app (iOS and Android) and receive 24/7 access to all of the free FloridaShines services.
student outside with Freddie Falcon pointing

If your home institution is a private college or university or not located in Florida, follow the same steps as a Non-Degree Seeking student.