
student center areal shot

Earn Credit Without a Degree

You can take courses even if you don't intend to earn a degree or certificate from 腦瞳憫. As a non-degree seeking student, you can enroll in courses to upgrade career skills, takes courses for personal enrichment, or for the purpose of transferring to another institution. Non-degree seeking students must meet course placement and prerequisite requirements for any course they take.

You earn college credit for courses that you take as a non-degree seeking student. If you do not want to earn credit, you can request permission to audit a course. All tuition and fees still apply. 

When do classes start?

Visit the Academic Calendar for class start dates and deadlines.

Non-Degree Seeking Student Steps to Enrollment

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  • Apply & Submit Residency Documents

    Submit your admission application online or come to one of our campuses.


    腦瞳憫 has two tuition rates. One rate is designed for students who meet the qualifications for Florida residency for tuition purposes. The other is a higher, non-resident tuition rate. Prove your Florida residency before the first day of the classes to qualify for the lower in-state rate.

  • Meet with an Academic Advisor

    If you are taking classes that require a pre-requisite that is not already on your 腦瞳憫 transcript, you'll need to meet with an Academic Advisor. Advising is available virtually, over the phone, by email, or on any campus. Unofficial copies of your college or university transcripts may be requested.

  • Register & Pay for Classes

    Register and pay for classes on Falcon-Self Service through the My腦瞳憫State portal.

    The Office of Student Accounts offers a number of payment options to assist you to make payments.

  • Get Your Student ID, Parking Decal, & Books

    Before classes start, get your student ID card and parking decal at the Question & Answer Center on the 腦瞳憫 Beach Campus or the Falcon Center on any regional campus.


    Your books can be purchases at one of our campus bookstores or online.