Teacher Apprenticeship Program
Your path to success!
腦瞳憫s new Teacher Apprenticeship Program (TAP) allows select school district employees in Volusia, Flagler and Brevard counties to pursue a career in teaching while continuing in their full-time positions. The program is supported through a $5 million statewide Pathways to Career Opportunities Grant aimed at designing a Grow Your Own Teacher Apprenticeship Program intended to open the teaching profession to individuals who are involved in the field but otherwise might not consider becoming credentialed.
Graduates receive either a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education or a Bachelor of Science in Exceptional Student Education, depending on the degree path they select.
The School of Education is collaborating with school districts in Volusia, Flagler and Brevard counties to develop the program, curriculum and related technical instruction. Each school district will select candidates for the teacher apprenticeship program. Selected candidates will train alongside a mentor teacher, gaining hands-on experience while maintaining full time employment and receiving full pay.
The program combines a hybrid approach with fully online courses at 腦瞳憫 State and shadowing experiences alongside mentor teachers in their respective schools. Prior to completing the program, students will be required to take and pass the Florida Teacher Certification Exams to be awarded a Florida professional teaching certificate.
School district employees interested in participating in the program should contact their Human Resources office.
Admissions Requirements
- District employment AND approval
- DSC Application
- Conferred Associate of Arts degree from a regionally accredited institution
- Cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher
- Grade of C or better in the following prerequisite classes: EDF1005, EEX2010, and MAE2801
- Proof of passing Subject Area Exam (SAE)* OR 2 of the 4 subtests of the General Knowledge
Test (GKT)
o *SAE in Elementary required for Grow Your Own, Temporary
Teacher Internship Certificate
Step-by-Step Guide:
1. Obtain District Approval: Contact Human Resources for the school district in which you are employed for approval.
2. Apply to 腦瞳憫: Complete the online application and enter the major for the program youd like to pursue (Bachelors Elementary Education Code: 6221 or Exceptional Student Education Code: 6222) and identify the term youd like to get started.
3. Send Transcripts: Request all official transcripts be sent to the 腦瞳憫 Admissions department.
4. Send Test Scores: Send copies of all FTCE scores to Camille.Wasick@腦瞳憫State.edu or Brionna.Simpkins@腦瞳憫State.edu
5. Meet with an Advisor: Contact the Advising Department (Advising@腦瞳憫State.edu or 386.506.3661) to ensure youre enrolled in the correct courses.
6. Apply for Financial Aid: First, visit Federal Student Aid and complete the FAFSA application. Then, contact the Financial Aid Office at DSC for more information.
7. Apply for DSC Foundation Scholarships: After completing the FAFSA application, visit DSC Foundation Scholarship and apply for the 2024 - 2025 Foundation Scholarship.
8. Apply for the Florida Fund for Minority Teacher Scholarship (if applicable): Review the FFMT qualifications by visiting FFMT.org. If qualified, apply directly on the website and notify Ana Blaine (Ana.Blaine@腦瞳憫State.edu).
What if I have not received approval from my school district? Please contact the HR department in your district for more information and to obtain approval before applying to DSC.
What if I have already contacted their HR department, but have not been approved for the TAP or GYO program? You are welcome to apply to our traditional program, but you will bear the financial responsibility for your education.
Is the BSED application fee waived for TAP and GYO students? Yes, it is waived for approved TAP students, but not for GYO students. TAP students should contact the School of Education office at (386-506-4373) for instructions on how to waive the application fee.
How will I enroll in the correct sections of the required courses? Once you have completed the requirements and are fully admitted to the program, staff in the School of Education department will enroll you in the correct classes (see attached course plan).
How will I receive my textbooks? Approved and enrolled students should contact their district HR department FIRST to see if there are Lending Library textbooks available. If no Lending Library textbooks are available, you will receive book vouchers to be used online or at the DSC bookstore.
What FL Temporary Teaching Certificate/License do I need? Please contact your districts Human Resources department for clarification.
What if I want to be part of the TAP program, but I want to obtain my degree in secondary math or science? Currently, TAP is only offered for Elementary and Exceptional Student Education (ESE) majors. Students in this situation should either switch to the Elementary/ESE major or enroll in one of our traditional Secondary Education majors. Students enrolled in the traditional secondary education majors bear the financial responsibility for their education.
Who should I contact if I have more questions? Please email GYOTAP@daytonastate.edu with questions or concerns. We look forward to hearing from you!

TAP Course Progression, Elementary Education (6221):
All TAP coursework will take place in the Fall and Spring semesters.
TAP courses are not offered in the summer.
Semester 1:
o RED3309
o TSL3080
o EEX4070
o MAE4803
Semester 2:
o SCE3832
o RED4511
o SSE3012
o SCE3310
Semester 3:
o MAE4326
o EEX4601
o RED4519
o TSL4081
Semester 4:
o RED4844
o EDF4943 (9-credit internship)
Credit for Prior Learning (APLE)
o EDG4323
o EDF4430
o EDF4603
o ESE4945

TAP Course Progression, Exceptional Student Education (6222)
All TAP coursework will take place in the Fall and Spring semesters.
TAP courses are not offered in the summer.
Semester 1:
o RED3309 (elementary) OR RED3012 (secondary)
o TSL3080
o EEX4265
o MAE4803
Semester 2:
o EEX4221
o RED4511
o SSE3012
o SCE3310
Semester 3:
o MAE4326
o EEX4601
o RED4519
o TSL4081
Semester 4:
o RED4844
o EDF4943 (9-credit internship)
Credit for Prior Learning (APLE)
o EDG4323
o EDF4430
o EDF4603
o ESE4945