TRiO Upward Bound
Student Eligibility
- US Citizen/Permanent Resident
- Low Income/Potential First Generation College Student
- High Risk need for Academic support
- 9th – 12th Grade student at Mainland Highschool, ages 13 – 19
Test Prep & Professional Tutoring

Cultural Enrichment Activities
College Tours & Field Trips
Not only do students experience workshops that expose them to different points of view in their own community, but also travel to various colleges and universities for college tours. College tours allow students to discover the different styles of colleges, learn more about dorm-life, explore food options, and learn about the academic support provided on the campus.
Career Exploration

Leadership Workshops
Who is eligible for this program?
Our students must be from first-generation and/or low-income families. Students must
also attend Mainland High School.
How do I apply, what do I need?
Access to our paper application can be found by visiting your school counselor, or
our website (coming soon). Completion of each page is mandatory and should be returned
to your school counselor when complete. After review of the application, an interview
will be conducted to see that your student and Upward Bound are a right fit.
How much does it cost to have my student in this program?
There is no cost for your student to be in the Upward Bound program. We are funded
by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education.
Are you recruiting students to attend ¸£Àû¼§?
No. We are educating students in the college-going process.
Do you take students on college tours?
Yes, our goal is to take students on two-three college tours each school year.
What are the requirements to continue in this program?
We have guidelines that must be met due to the federal funding we receive. We expect
our students to maintain a GPA of 2.5 or higher, be between the ages of 13-19, and
maintain an active level of engagement throughout their time in the program.
Does this program provide any scholarships?
No, we teach the skills and resources to find your scholarships on your own.
Does the student have to reapply each year?
No, once you are in our program, we hope you are there until graduation. We do ask
though that you keep us updated with any changes in address, emails and phone numbers.
How long does my student stay in the program?
You child will remain an active participant in our program until high school graduation;
unless they are dismissed from our program for attendance, academic or behavior reasons.
We begin recruiting as young as those entering the 9th grade.
What happens if I move to another school?
Your child can continue to be a part of the Upward Bound program if they continue
to meet all of the attendance and academic requirements.
What are Saturday Sessions?
Twice a month (From September to May) students will participate in a full day (9:00am-3:00pm)
academic sessions divided into one-hour classes with highly qualified Teachers and
Tutors. Each class with be a different subject (Math, English, Science, Foreign Language,
ACT/SAT Prep) and the students will have the opportunity to receive additional assistance
in the school work from their high schools. Lunch will be provided at no cost. Saturday
Sessions may also include workshops, small group sessions, enrichment activities,
and/or field trips/campus tours.
What happens during the Summer Academy?
40 students will complete a six-week academic program. Students are placed in classes
and provided with daily rigorous curriculum, college-prep workshops, social/cultural
enrichment activities, and team building. Students will also participate in a residential
component at the main DSC Campus Residence Hall, in ¸£Àû¼§ Beach. These students
will be led by two Residential Advisors. Students participate in clubs, evening tutoring,
evening activities, and field trips.
Does my child need to stay for the Residential part during the Summer Academy?
Yes, it is required that every student participate in both the Academic and Residential
components throughout the 6-week summer program. Special circumstances need to be
addressed to the Upward Bound Staff before the Summer Academy begins in early June.
For questions/concerns, please contact the Upward Bound office at (386)506-3429 or UpwardBound@daytonastate.edu.
Upward Bound Upcoming Events 2024 - 2025
Upward Bound Students, please remember that in order to qualify for you monthly stipend, you must meet with a UB staff member weekly, attend all Saturday Workshops, maintain at least a 2.5 GPA, and attend academic support that UB staff has scheduled for you. Discuss with a Upward Bound staff member how to have an absence officially excused.
In order for students to be excused, parents/guardians must sign and e-mail a scanned Excused Form to UpwardBound@daytonastate.edu.
September - Saturday, September 14 - Saturday Academic Workshop
- Saturday, September 21 – Action Saturday w/ Dr. Ronnie Mack
October - Saturday, October 12 – TBD Savannah State University – Campus Tour
- Saturday, October 19 – Action Saturday – Dual Enrollment & College Applications
November - Saturday, Novmeber 9 - Saturday Academic Workshop
- Saturday, Novmeber 16 - Action Saturday w/ Dr. Ronnie Mack
December - Saturday, December 14 – Saturday Academic Workshop / Holiday Party during Lunch
January - Saturday, January 11 – Saturday Academic Workshop
- Saturday, January 18 – Action Saturday w/ Dr. Ronnie Mack
February - Saturday, February 8 - Saturday Academic Workshop
- Saturday, February 17 - BD – Campus Tour
- Saturday, February 22 - Action Saturday
March - Saturday, March 8 – Saturday Academic Workshop
- Saturday, March 14 - Senior Day
- Saturday, March 17 - 21 - Spring Break
- Saturday, March 29 - Saturday Academic Workshop
April - Saturday April 12, 2025 - Action Saturday w/ Dr/ Ronnie Mack
- Saturday April , 2025 - Summer Academy Meeting 9th – 11th Grade Families 12:30p.m. – 2:00p.m.
- Saturday April 19, 2025 - Saturday Academic Workshop
May - Saturday May 3, 2025 - Summer Applications Due
- Saturday May 9 - 11, 2025 - 9th - 11th Grade Award Ceremony
- Saturday May 24, 2025 - Annual Banquet

Contacts: UpwardBound@¸£Àû¼§state.edu
Office Hours for Students: with our Upward Bound staff to discuss questions, concerns, academic services, or review topics discussed during Upward Bound workshops. Complete all necessary fields in the request form in order for Upward Bound staff to coordinate an appointment with you.