Dining on Campus
Dining options with you in mind
Dining on campus is convenient and flexible, with a range of healthy menus and offerings of cuisines around the world. Enjoy fresh meals created from locally sourced ingredients, as well as gluten-free, vegetarian and vegan options.
Please Note: For 2024-2025 Commuter and Employee meal plan rates, please scroll down this page to view the 2024-2025 Meal Plans and Falcon Funds. For the 2024-2025 Residential Meal Plan rates, please visit the Student Residence Hall webpage.
Locations & Hours
On-Campus Dining
Hours of Operation (through December 19, 2024):
Metz Dining Hall
¸£Àû¼§ Beach Campus
L. Gale Lemerand Student Center (Bldg. 115)
Monday - Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.
9 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
(7 days a week) - 5 - 7 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday - 9 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Mori's Café (Starbucks)
¸£Àû¼§ Beach Campus
L. Gale Lemerand Student Center (Bldg. 115)
Monday - Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Saturday - Sunday: Closed
ATC Campus Café
Advanced Technology College
Breakfast / Lunch
Monday - Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Saturday - Sunday: Closed
2024-2025 Meal Plans and Falcon Funds
Bronze & Scholarship Athlete Meal Plans Meal Plan Active Dates:
Fall 2024: August 23, 2024 - December 19, 2024
Spring 2025: January 20, 2025 - May 9, 2025Falcon Funds included with Meal Plans: Includes one-time $100 MP Dining Dollars. Unused MP & Athlete Dining Dollars expire at the end of each semester.
Meal Plan Swipes per week, and Meal Period & Daily Limits:
14 swipes per week; 2 swipes per meal period; max 4 swipes per day.Weekly Meal Swipe Resets: Meal swipes reset every Monday at 3am. Unused meal swipes do not rollover.
Silver Meal Plans Meal Plan Active Dates:
Fall 2024: August 23, 2024 - December 19, 2024
Spring 2025: January 20, 2025 - May 9, 2025Falcon Funds included with Meal Plans: Includes one-time $75 MP Dining Dollars. Unused MP Dining Dollars expire at the end of each semester.
Meal Plan Swipes per week, and Meal Period & Daily Limits:
17 swipes per week; 2 swipes per meal period; max 4 swipes per day.Weekly Meal Swipe Resets: Meal swipes reset every Monday at 3am. Unused meal swipes do not rollover.
Gold Meal Plans Meal Plan Active Dates:
Fall 2024: August 23, 2024 - December 19, 2024
Spring 2025: January 20, 2025 - May 9, 2025Falcon Funds included with Meal Plans: Includes one-time $50 MP Dining Dollars. Unused MP Dining Dollars expire at the end of each semester.
Meal Plan Swipes per week, and Meal Period & Daily Limits: 19 swipes per week; 2 swipes per meal period; max 4 swipes per day.
Weekly Meal Swipe Resets: Meal swipes reset every Monday at 3 a.m. Unused meal swipes do not rollover.
Employee & Commuter Meal Plans Meal Plan Active Dates:
Fall 2024: August 23, 2024 - December 19, 2024
Spring 2025: January 20, 2025 - May 9, 2025Falcon Block Plans
Falcon Block Plan 25 - $215.00
25 meal swipes loaded onto ID Card. This is a declining balance plan.
Available: Summer, Fall, and Spring.Falcon Block Plan 50 - $410.00
50 meal swipes loaded onto ID Card. This is a declining balance plan.
Available: Summer, Fall, and Spring.Falcon Block Plan 100 - $720.00
100 meal swipes loaded onto ID Card. This is a declining balance plan.
Available: Fall and Spring.All Falcon Block Plans – Meal Plan holders are allowed to swipe up to two (2) meal swipes per meal, however, the maximum meal swipes per day is four (4). No Falcon Funds (Dining Dollars nor Falcon Cash) are included with these plans. Falcon Funds can be purchases separately. The Falcon Block Plans will be made available for purchase through the Falcon Card Online Portal.
Non-Residents (Commuters) – Falcon Block Meal Plans expire at the end of each semester. Unused swipes are forfeited. Students can purchase additional block meal plans as needed during the semester, but must be informed unused swipes will not rollover.
Employees – Falcon Block Meal Plan swipes do not expire and will rollover every semester. This is also the same for Employee Dining Dollars and Employee Falcon Funds.
Student & Employee Dining Dollars Where to purchase additional Falcon Funds? Purchased by students via the Falcon Online Portal. Purchases $100 or more receive 10% bonus.
Falcon Fund Expiration: Student Dining Dollars expire at the end of Summer B Session, Fall Semester and Spring Semester (or as determined by College). Unused balances are forfeited. Employee Dining Dollars do not expire.
Locations Accepted: Usable only at dining Location (Cafeteria, Starbucks, and ATC Café).
Athlete Dining Dollars Where to purchase additional Falcon Funds? Athlete Dining Dollars are only assigned with Scholarship Athlete meal plans. Athlete Dining Dollars cannot be purchased separately.
Falcon Fund Expiration: Athlete Dining Dollars expire at the end of Summer B Session, Fall Semester and Spring Semester (or as determined by College). Unused balances are forfeited.
Locations Accepted: Usable only at dining Location (Cafeteria, Starbucks, and ATC Café).
MP Dining Dollars Where to purchase additional Falcon Funds? MP (Meal Plan) Dining Dollars are only assigned with purchased meal plans. MP Dining Dollars cannot be purchased separately.
Falcon Fund Expiration: MP Dining Dollars expire at the end of Summer B Session, Fall Semester and Spring Semester (or as determined by College). Unused balances are forfeited.
Locations Accepted: Usable only at dining Location (Cafeteria, Starbucks, and ATC Café).
Student & Employee Falcon Cash Where to purchase additional Falcon Funds? Purchased by students via the Falcon Online Portal
Falcon Fund Expiration: Student Falcon Cash expires at the end of the Spring Semester only (or as determined by College). Unused balances for forfeited. Employee Falcon Cash does not expire.
Locations Accepted: Usable at all dining locations, bookstores, vending machines, and residential laundry.
Dining Your Way
- Purchase 100 Dining Dollars or more and get 10% more free.
- Dining Dollars are accepted at all Metz dining locations – Lemerand Student Center Dining Hall and Starbucks/Mori’s Café, and the ATC Café.
- Falcon Cash can be used at the Bookstores, all vending machines, and all Metz dining locations.
- Avoid credit card convenience fees on snack and coffee machines by using Falcon Cash.
- Avoid carrying credit cards or cash by using your Falcon ID card or your virtual Falcon ID on your mobile device.
- Need more Falcon Cash or Dining Dollars? Just load your card online.
On-Campus Vending Machines
Is a vending machine not working correctly? Did a vending machine take your money
and you need a refund?
For Pepsi Beverage Vending Machine
Please call (866) 977-3774.
For Global Vending Snack & Coffee Machines
Use the convenient QR code located on the machine label, or submit a Service Inquiry online: , or call (877) 499-8363