Aquatic Center
The 腦瞳憫 Aquatic Center will be temporarily closed for extensive renovations. Our estimated reopen date March 24th. Please follow our Social media pages for the most up-to-date information on reopening.
Social Media Page for Facebook - and Instagram @DSCFalconFitness
The DSC Aquatic Center is perfect for instructional, recreational, and competitive activities. Our facility boasts a 25-yard by 25-meter indoor competitive pool, maintained at a comfortable 83 degrees. The environment is humidity and climate-controlled, ensuring a pleasant experience year-round.
Pool Features
- Dimensions: 25-yard by 25-meter
- Temperature: Heated to 83 degrees
- Depth: 4-foot shallow area and 12.5-foot deep end
- Lap Swimming: Up to 6 lanes available on most days
Safety and Accessibility
- A certified lifeguard is always on duty.
- The pool is fully accessible with a ramp and a hydraulic chair lift.
- Staff are available to assist with these devices, though they are not trained to perform transfers.
Community Access
The 腦瞳憫 Aquatic Center welcomes everyone in the community! We offer flexible access options with daily, four-month, and yearly rates to suit your needs. All paperwork and payments can be completed at the Aquatic Center. Members will receive an Access ID card, which must be presented and signed in at the desk upon each visit before entering the pool area.
Important Information
- Access fees are non-refundable, non-transferable, and subject to cancellation.
- Expiration dates cannot be extended due to absence unless caused by a medical condition (proof required from a physician).
- Registration must be done in person.
Community Access Rates
Daily Access:
Ages 4 and up: $5
Ages 3 and under: FREE
Monthly Access:
Individual: $35 (No dual or family monthly rates)
Four Month Membership:
Individual: $100
Dual: $150
Family: $175
One Year Access:
Individual: $275
Dual: $325
Family: $350
Family Membership Details
- A family is defined as an individual and their dependent family members.
- Family access covers two adults and up to four children under the age of 21.
Supervision Policy
Children under 13 must be supervised by a parent in the pool area.
Hours of Operation
Aquatic Center
Regular Hours
腦瞳憫 Beach Campus Only
Monday - Thursday: 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday: Closed
Holiday Hours - November 25th - January 20th
Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Holiday Closures
- Nov. 27th - Closing at 1 p.m. for the Thanksgiving Holiday
- Nov. 28 - 29th - Closed from Thanksgiving Holiday
- Dec. 20 - Jan 1st - Closed for the Holiday Break
- Jan. 20th - Closed for MLK Day
Contact Us
(386) 506-4FUN (506-4386)