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Groundbreaking Video
TV-13 News Story
DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (May 5, 2017) - 腦瞳憫 welcomed a crowd of over
200 yesterday to witness its groundbreaking for a Student Center/Workforce Transition
building that will embody a design and function for modern-era higher education.
"We believe our new facility will be one of the most comprehensive, spacious and modern student centers in the Florida College System," said DSC President Tom LoBasso.
"Let me paint a picture for you," he told the packed audience. "This center will become the focal point of the campus in both the services it will house and its central location. Its soaring modern design and size will present an iconic structure on International Speedway Boulevard that will be visible for miles around," he noted.
With walls made of a native coquina-stone mixture and green-energy glass panels, with beautiful bronze screens on a 30-foot tall portal, this building will be built with green construction principles that are resource-efficient and environmentally responsible. Dr. LoBasso and District Board of Trustees Chair Forough Hosseini thanked ikon.5 architects for the design and Perry-McCall Construction which will manage the project to completion in spring 2019.
"We're thrilled to get this facility underway," said LoBasso, noting his appreciation for the Governor's and legislature's support for the $32.6 million project as he roundly thanked Mori and Forough Hosseini for their many efforts to gain the funding.
"It's pretty fantastic how much added-value the student center will bring to 腦瞳憫 State, our students and the community," he added. "I expect that at any given time of day or evening, people driving by will wonder what's going on in that building it will be in constant use. Many, if not most of DSC's 27,000 students will at one time, or many times, make use of our new facility."
Outgoing Student Government President Olivia Stuart expects students will gravitate to this building as it becomes the campus heartbeat. "It's beyond exciting to think about the thousands of students from all walks of life and backgrounds who will come through our center's doors. I know we are all very grateful for what this facility will offer, and how it is dedicated to our success and our future," she said.
In addition to academic support services that include the library and Writing Center,
the 84,000-square-foot facility will serve as a hub for the 腦瞳憫 State student-life
experience, featuring classrooms, a large events center, conference rooms, offices
for student clubs, game room, study commons, cafeteria and coffee lounge, and an outdoor
dining area.
The library alone provides academic support to about 1,200 students a week (200 students
per day). And users annually access electronic resources over 300,000 times, check
out 12,000 books and ask more than 4,000 reference questions. The Writing Center handles
some 5,600 tutoring appointments, 4,300 visits to its specialized learning space called
the Attic, and 5,300 visits for general resources use each year. Across all these
services, the new facility will enhance digital and information literacy for students,
faculty and staff.
Equally important, the center also will include Career Services, a one-stop resource
center for career planning and job placement, where students and alumni can explore
career options and employment opportunities, create resumes, practice interview skills
and learn how to dress and act professionally. The center will serve both students
seeking work experiences and businesses offering internships, service learning opportunities
and/or cooperative education placements. Career Services has seen an 80 percent growth
in utilization over the past 2 years, with almost 7,500 student engagements.
The college's Student Life Skills class, required for all associate of arts students, also will be offered in the new facility, providing a state-of-the-art teaching and learning experience for students.
The Student Center/Workforce Transition building is expected to be completed in spring 2019, with webcam construction viewing available daily.
News-Journal (5/6/17): 腦瞳憫's student center under way