Support WDSC
WDSC TV15 would like to thank you for your interest and support.
Public television is a unique resource that helps to connect, inspire and feed curiosity. The values of public broadcasting are more important than ever in today’s world. We strive to be the community’s source for extraordinary programming – the kind that respects your intelligence and your interests.
We need your support to maintain the quality programming you’ve come to expect from us. Your donation will help ensure that WDSC continues a legacy of trusted, valued and essential programming for future generations.
Please donate today and keep your public television station and favorite programs on air.
Your email address is required for confirmation of donation. Your email address will not be used for marketing.
WDSC Support
WDSC is funded primarily by our viewers who enjoy and appreciate the quality programming we provide. Please remember we need your help. Consider making a tax-deductible donation to WDSC. There are several ways you can donate: online, email, telephone and by mail. Thank you for your loyal support!
Phone: 1-800-638-9238 or 386-506-4415
Mail to:
P.O. Box 9245
¸£Àû¼§ Beach, FL 32120-9245
Corporate Support
Join WDSC’s Corporate Membership Family with an Underwriting Package
WDSC TV’s underwriters play a vital role in making high-quality programming available
to our communities, and we continuously seek new corporate alliances.
Your corporate membership with WDSC provides your business a reach of more than 1.8
million households throughout Volusia, Flagler, Orange, Osceola, Lake, Brevard, Marion
and Seminole counties with over 3.2 million potential viewers in the 18th largest
market in the country.
Public television has remained a strong institution because of support from people like you. WDSC TV15 thanks all of our corporate partners for their sponsorship of quality television. Find out how your company can benefit through sponsorship of WDSC TV15's outstanding program lineup.
For more information, contact our Underwriting Department at (386) 506-4464 or email
Jacqui Van Kirk at Vankirj@¸£Àû¼§
American Signature Furniture
1924 West International Speedway Blvd.
¸£Àû¼§ Beach, FL 32114
Bob Ross Art Workshop & Gallery
Organization Contact: Nicholas Hankins
Culligan Water Products
Organization Contact: Mr. Tom Henry
Organization Contact: Marketing & Communications
Planned Giving
Planned giving allows individuals to make a charitable gift of estate assets, and by doing so the generous individual helps WDSC TV15 continue its long-term goals. With these gifts, donors make a meaningful and substantial contribution, and still meet their own financial goals. For additional information, please contact the station at 386-506-4464.
Wills & Trusts Creating a will or making a simple revision to your will is an easy way to make a gift to WDSC TV15. You can specify a dollar amount, a piece of property, a portion of your estate, or the remainder once your loved ones have been taken care of. If you have a revocable living trust, a charitable gift through your trust may even reduce your estate taxes and can be postponed until all loved ones are provided for in the manner you deem fit.
Retirement Plans No matter if your plan is a company pension plan or another private plan like an Individual Retirement Account (IRA), you may give excess funds, while you are alive (subject to minimum age requirements for penalty-free withdrawals) or at the time of your passing. In fact, upon your death, funds remaining in retirement accounts may be subject to high taxes if left to non-charitable heirs.
Appreciated Securities You can make charitable gifts of securities and other investments that increase in value. If these gifts are held for more than 12 months, they are exempt from capital gain taxes. Also, a tax deduction may be taken on the market value of the securities at the time of transfer. Gifts of appreciated securities are easy to make and can be made with or without a stockbroker.
Life Insurance You may name WDSC TV15 to receive all or some of the proceeds. A gift of life insurance is a great way to support public television if you no longer need the policy for its intended purpose.
Charitable Remainder Trusts This is an excellent way to make a gift to WDSC TV15 that enables you to retain income from your property for life or for the period of time you specify. When the trust ends (at the death of the income recipient, or at the end of the time you specified) whatever remains in the trust is distributed to WDSC TV15. A tax deduction is allowed at the time you create the trust. The deduction amount depends on many factors, including income beneficiary age.
Real Estate You can gift your home or certain other real estate and avoid capital gains taxes as well as qualify for a charitable income tax deduction. Another option is to donate your home while retaining the use of the property for as long as you live. In this way you obtain a tax deduction now, instead of later.
Notes Note: The above text is not intended as legal or tax advice. WDSC TV15 recommends that you seek the advice and assistance of an attorney or other professional.
How Your Support Helps
WDSC TV15 is a member-supported public television station. We exist because of the generosity and loyalty of people like you. You can take confidence in the fact that your donation will be managed wisely to support WDSC TV15.