Virtual Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame Inductees
Membership in the Hall of Fame is the highest honor the faculty may bestow upon a student. Nomination is based upon the highest standards of excellence in scholarship, leadership and citizenship. The students so honored reflect credit on themselves and the institution by assuming the mantle of progressive and constructive leadership while maintaining an exemplary academic average of not less than 3.5. Silver keys are presented to recipients, and their names are added to the Virtual Hall of Fame on the website.
2024 Inductees
- Erika Anderson
- Nevaeh Bjelajac
- Maria Castillo Enriquez
- Wakaba Kogure
- Lexiana Stagaard
- Micheal Velez
- Jessa Ward
2023 Inductees
- Timothy Blalock
- Amber Brymer
- Tyler Cooper
- Molly Crossman
- William Edwards lll
- Susan Flowers
- Kristin Hosterman
- Noved Johnson
- Jenna Klepser
- Jose Lopez
- Danea Mackey
- Heather McGee
- Valerie Melkumova
- Remy Prevatt
- Christopher Weaver
2022 Inductees
- Abigail Adams
- Carolina Avelar
- Sierra Bertram
- Jessica Boatman
- Venerina Costanza
- Cayla Cue
- William Diaz
- Hosanna Folmsbee
- Tarra Lynn Hodges
- John Holton
- Kade Foxx Homyak
- Vladimyr Jean-Francois
- Quentin Radcliffe
- Rachel Steiger-Reeser
- Elena Trujillo
2021 Inductees
- Joana Aebi
- Derionah Abner
- Adam Mastrobuono
- Christine Bochnar
- Nicole Davis-DiCaprio
- Ryanne Gouveia
- Lindsey Hollingsworth
- Denzell Jones
- Andrew Marcello
- Megan Martin
- Michael Pari
- Makayla Parsons
- David Racine
- Clifton Roby
- Ahmad Talton
- Adrianne Toles-Williams
2020 Inductees
- Giavanna Auricchio
- Hannah Baker
- Tammy Cruz
- Elizabeth Dilger
- Carla Hernandez
- Alex Moker
- Melinda Moscoso
- Breanna Nax
- Heather Osterhouse
- Maylin Rodriguez
- Sue Small-Kreider
- Hilton Smith
- Peyton Thompson
- Paris Williams
2019 Inductees
- Austin Dreher
- Ashley Greindl
- Zoey Gurvich
- Alexander Kinney
- Sandy Lake
- Kyra Lieberman
- Cloee-Anna Merritt
- Stephen Miksits
- Brian Norton
- Jessica Pandy
- John Parkhurst
- Melissa Sam
- Tessa Sweeney
- Augusta Thomas
- Carmella Walker
2018 Inductees
- Phaleisa Canidate
- Jeffrey Ferguson
- Caitlyn Figueroa
- Megan Francis
- Jessica Gosse
- Sandra Hovels
- Fonda Howell
- Elizabeth Jackson
- Jiwon Jeon
- Johnson Olaitan
- Guilherme Gobbo Pilotto
- Sofia Rivas
- Ann Schoening
- Olivia Thomas
- Annika Thomas
2017 inductees
- Theresa Benzia
- Kassandra Carstens
- Gilarys Giselle Garcia Milan
- Galyna Khramova
- Ryan Kirby
- Seoyon Kwon
- Megan Lawson
- Nashad Mackey
- Laura Michel
- Wendy Morris
- Julia Osterhout
- Alistair Sammy
- Robert Sluman
- Brendan Tackney
- Michael Tirpak
2016 Inductees
- Amber Clark
- Tivon Faneyte
- Robert Harper
- Beily Hernandez
- Ji Sun Kang
- Cynthia Puckett
- Joseph Salamone
- Laura Schachter
- Willow Sprague
- Jacob Swaggerty
- Michael Tirpak
- Frances Vaccaro
2015 Inductees
- Andrew Adie
- Austin Albro
- Richard Conley
- Justin Forsythe
- Catherine Holland
- Emily Morris
- Hinesha Patel
- Pranav Reddy
- Kate Sims
- Johnny Starnes
- Whitney Stevenson
- Rose West
- David Worman
- Tsz Ching Chan
2014 Inductees
- Melissa Diaz
- Rebecca Dyke
- Steven Evancho
- Sabrina Fernandez
- Brett Gernertt
- Kathy Hayes
- Maria Karabassis
- Gracen Kent
- Jill Knazur
- Amber Meisheid
- Kyla Muhammad
- Maurielle Pierson
- Ashley Rogers
2013 Inductees
- Alicia Dove
- Mohga “Demi” Kodsy
- Liliann Tchouho
- Thomas Cole
- Joshua Washington
- Taylor Byle
- Ronald P. Roberson
- Jason Moulter
- Kathy Adorno
- Kathleen Newman
- Anetta Goldsher
- Kelly A. Hoff
- Thea Kelsey
- Jessica M. Shaw
- Caylee Fuhrmann
- Michael D. Francis
2012 Inductees
- Peyton Walsh
- Dantrell Johnson
- Cheryl Anne
- Chloe D.Finocchio
- Ingrid Laas
- Jennifer Sciarrino
- Evan Shows
- Lindsay Workman
- Joan Burnette
- Elizabeth Strople
- Kimble Medley
- Toni Palumbo
- Zena Remal
- Lisa Swearingen
2011 Inductees
- Megan Bowes
- Elizabeth Castejon
- Todd Davis
- Brittni M. Hardy
- Karrah Monk
- Elizabeth Odom
- Mitsuki Katahira
- Mark O’Keefe
- Kevin Para
- Megan Rizzo
- Kate Scullion
- Kurt Van Cleef
- Suzanne Velonis
2010 Inductees
- Nicole Brown
- Chivonne Carey
- Helen Chorjel
- Masuma Dattu
- Debra A. Dean
- Stephanie Epifanio
- Kevin Hotchkiss
- Jennifer Jacobs
- Christa Malsbury
- Jesse McClain
- Karen Mueller
- Judith Obiero
- Leah Paddock
- Amanda R. Stewart
- Stefanie Thomas
2009 Inductees
- Bethany Alexander
- Cynthia Cashman
- Cariann Colon
- Helena D. Cunningham
- Natalie Gamby-Farber
- Kristen Krier
- Ricky Lewis
- Melissa Mavronas
- Erika Moran
- Kenneth M. Mulkey
- Sophie Raymond
- Tyson Robertson
- Amanda L. Rose
- Oscar Ruiz
- Jade Stevens
2008 Inductees
- Ashley Aguilera
- Danny Brandner
- Bonnie Brugone
- Kelly E. Gilmartin
- Andrew Heller
- Kristina Holland
- Lori Lemoine
- Dalena Luis
- Dana Marchese
- Linda Matkovich-Smith
- Heather McAllister
- Steven Pruitt
- Jane Shulzhenko
- Mary K. Weathers
- Miranda Weber
2007 Inductees
- Vanessa Butler
- Irene Herring
- David Hinkle
- Ronald Jackson II
- Reagan Lynn
- Erica Marsh
- Robert T. Mogar
- Chris W. Muir
- Leonardo A. Paternina
- Angela Roman
- Karen Splain
- Christie Whitehead
- Randi Jane Williams
- Vadim Kalashnikov
2006 Inductees
- Amy Acker
- Mark Convoy
- Kassie Laughlin
- Meghan McInnis
- Deborah Minor
- Daniela Nemerenco
- Stephanie Sawchyn
- Deborah Ruth Seeley
- Vicky Vicente
- Amber Young
2005 Inductees
- Joanne Airington
- Allison Archer
- Elizabeth Boivin
- Tamara Daugharty
- Joshua Hartley
- Constantina “Nina” Houvardas
- Elizabeth Iannilino
- Michelle Lewis
- Cindy Portigo
- Monique Rodriguez
- Jacob Romo
- Passinam Tatcho
- Amy Williams
2004 Inductees
- Monika Achury
- Jason Cooke
- Donna Eggum
- Dana Franks
- Maeghan Griffith
- Melissa Kaminski
- Trisha Kudzol
- Jenie Matusick
- Amy Parker
- Lori Peebles
- William Paul Perry, Jr.
- Tammie Randall
- Olga Redkina
- Richard Smith