Faculty Fellowship & Resources
Faculty Fellowship Program
The Faculty Fellows Program is a faculty designation that provides recognition of and a pathway for faculty leadership at the college through various peer-to-peer professional development programs. Faculty Fellows can earn credentials through the Center for Innovative Teaching & Learning, in partnership with the Office for Learning and Development.. Once credentialed, faculty are eligible to serve as peer mentors. Faculty earning program credentials will also earn professional development credit for the purposes of continuing education, continuing contract and promotion. Faculty Fellows are further eligible to earn a stipend or course release when they work as a peer mentor in the Faculty Fellows Program. All faculty interested in applying to serve as a Faculty Fellow must first get their application approved by their department chair before submitting. To learn more about other fellowship opportunities, visit the from the .

Faculty Fellow in Teaching & Learning
Faculty Fellows in Teaching & Learning is a professional development opportunity and faculty designation that would complement the offering of the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) Effective Teaching Practices training. The Faculty Fellow in Teaching & Learning would provide faculty with peer mentorship through applying and adopting the ACUE teaching and learning principles in the face-to-face and virtual classroom to better support students' academic success. The Faculty Fellow in Teaching and Learning will work and collaborate with peer faculty members, ACUE facilitators, instructional designers, and other staff members within within the Department of Academic Innovation. This is a two-semester commitment in which the full-time faculty member agrees to spend three hours per week working in the Faculty Innovation Center and/or meet remotely to mentor and train peer faculty while creating teaching resources and participating in teaching & learning events on campus.
Faculty Fellows in Teaching & Learning
Dr. Kelly Duffy, Fall 2024 - Spring 2025

Award for Excellence in Online Instruction
Recognized as an outstanding DSC online instructor who utilizes well-designed and creative course materials and instructional methods, and who provides a model of instructional online excellent for other faculty.
Nominate your peer faculty members to win the !
The due date for nominations is Friday, December 13, 2024.
Award winners:​
- Lesley Nadal, 2023 - 2024
- Michael Mallott, 2022 - 2023
- Krissy Leonard, 2021 - 2022
- Dr. Jessica Lipsey, 2020 - 2021
- Dr. Margie Hensler, 2019 - 2020
- Jim Newell, 2018 - 2019
- Dr. Michelle Lee, 2017 - 2018 ​
- Deborah Hirsh, 2016 - 2017 ​
- Dr. Diana Tata, 2015 - 2016​
Award for Excellence in Hybrid Instruction
Recognized as an outstanding DSC online instructor who utilizes well-designed and creative course materials and instructional methods, and who provides a model of instructional excellence in the hybrid modality for other faculty.
Nominate your peer faculty members to win the !
The due date for nominations is Friday, December 13, 2024.
Award winners:​
- Brad Moody, 2023 - 2024
- Aryn Davis, 2022 - 2023
- Dr. Harun Thomas, 2021 - 2022
- Scott Velazco, 2020 - 2021
Distance Education Definitions: Provides a more specific and updated definition of meeting the substantive interaction criteria; effective 7/1/2021.
Distance Learning Faculty Guidelines: Developing a quality course takes time especially for a distance education course. To ensure adherence to the College's commitment to excellence certain delivery standards and completion of Falcon Online training are expected for faculty teaching online and hybrid courses. In addition, all distance learning courses require approval from the department chair.
The Faculty Innovation Blog is meant to maintain consistent transparency between faculty at ¸£Àû¼§ and distance education staff and resources. Posts will include Falcon Online updates, tutorials, and tips provided by the Division of Online Studies, Department of Instructional Resources, and guest bloggers.
Guide for Chairpersons Using Falcon Online
Hybrid Checklist: Guidelines and best practices for faculty members teaching and developing hybrid classes.
Provides an overview of the federal guideline, regular and substantive interaction. This federal guideline is specific for fully online and hybrid classes; however, all faculty must maintain an online presence throughout the semester during times when they cannot meet with their students in the face-to-face classroom.
Video Script Template: Developed by IT-Instructional Resources, a video script serves as a foundational tool for creating clear and concise video content. The Visual description in the left column is where you would include important screencast/screenshot/PowerPoint that you want to show on screen. The audio/speaking portion in the right-hand column includes the audio of your voice narrating the screencast.