
Secure & Private Record Keeping

The Records Office maintains the security and privacy of student academic records. The Records Office’s primary functions include transcript evaluations for incoming transfer students, collection and processing of student grades, verification of enrollment, clearance of students for graduation, and providing students with accurate and timely transcripts. 

Transcript & Diploma Information

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  • Unofficial College Transcripts

    Log into Falcon Self-Service from the My¸£Àû¼§State portal. Unofficial Transcript is available from the Academics menu. 

  • Official College Transcripts

    Official ¸£Àû¼§ transcript orders are processed by the National Student Clearinghouse.  A fee will be charged per transcript.  Credit or debit cards are the only form of payment method for orders. Overnight options are also available for an additional fee. Please read the order form carefully and fill out all required fields. Due to the automation of this request system, a transcript order cannot be changed, cancelled or refunded once the order has been placed. Carefully review your order before submission

    How do I place my order?

    Currently enrolled students can order official transcripts once they sign in to their My¸£Àû¼§State student portal. It is encouraged that students review their unofficial transcript to ensure all degree and grades are displayed as expected before placing your order for an official transcript.

    Former/Alumni Students  .

    Order options and processing details expected times.

    Students can select to receive status updates on their order that can be emailed or texted depending on the option they select.

    Students have 3 options on processing details:

    Current transcript – process as is. Orders are typically processed within 3 days.

    After grades are posted- orders will be processed 7 days after the last day of the term.

    After degree is awarded- orders will be processed 10 days after the last day of the terms (Fall and Summer) 15 days for processing time, after the last day of spring term.

    Delivery information

    Allow up to ten business days for your request to be fulfilled. While most orders are processed more quickly, delays can sometimes occur. Delivery and processing fees may also apply, depending on the options you select. You are responsible for accurately entering the delivery information. Please note that ¸£Àû¼§ is not responsible for delayed electronic transmissions or standard United States Postal Service delivery times. 

    Students who have holds might require longer release time.

    Transcript Costs

    There is a $5 fee for each official transcript ordered sent out electronically (EDI). First class mail, overnight delivery are options offered but will include additional costs for each order. Credit or debit card is the only approved form of payment for official transcripts orders.

    A transcript order cannot be changed, cancelled or refunded once the order has been placed. 

    Military Service - In accordance with F.S. 10 Military Service

    In accordance with F.S. 1009.26 (17a), students who are an active-duty member or an honorably discharged veteran of the United States Armed Forces and their spouse and dependents are eligible for a waiver of the transcript fee.09.26 (17a).

    This can be verified on the order request.

  • Ordering an Official ¸£Àû¼§ State High School Transcript

    ¸£Àû¼§ State High School and Adult Education official transcripts cannot be requested online. Please submit a High School Official Transcript Request form to the Records Office by mail, fax it to (386) 506-4489, or drop it off in person at the Question & Answer Center at your local campus. There is no charge and requests take 3 business days to process.

  • GED® Transcript

    If ¸£Àû¼§ was your test site for your GED®, all copies of GED® diplomas and GED® transcripts are housed at the GED® Testing Office, Florida Department of Education. Effective February 1, 2014, all requests for Florida GED® diplomas and GED® transcripts must be made from GED® Credentialingâ„¢, at:

    Students who do not have access to the internet can call (888) 906-4031 Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. MST to receive phone support to order duplicate transcripts and GED® diplomas. GED® Credentialing charges a $15.00 fee for each diploma and/or transcript.

  • Duplicate Diploma Requests

    College or DSC Adult High School Diploma 

    To order a diploma or to request a duplicate/replacement copy of your diploma*, please print, sign, and mail a Duplicate Diploma Request form to our office. Include a check or money order made out to ¸£Àû¼§ with your completed form. There is a $10 fee for each diploma request, and all holds and/or past due balances must be satisfied before your request will be processed. Please allow 3 business days for your request to be completed.

         Mailing Address:
         c/o Records, Bldg.100/Rm.208
         1200 W. Int'l Speedway Blvd
         ¸£Àû¼§ Beach, FL 32114

    *The name on the original diploma will print on the duplicate diploma. A request for a name change on a duplicate diploma will not be processed.

    GED® Duplicate Diploma Request

    If ¸£Àû¼§ was your test site for your GED®, all copies of GED® diplomas and GED® transcripts are housed at the GED® Testing Office, Florida Department of Education. Effective February 1, 2014, all requests for Florida GED® diplomas and GED® transcripts must be made from GED® Credentialingâ„¢, at:

    Students who do not have access to the internet can call (888) 906-4031 Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. MST to receive phone support to order duplicate transcripts and GED® diplomas. GED® Credentialing charges a $15.00 fee for each diploma and/or transcript.

Office of Student Records

Office Hours 

¸£Àû¼§ Beach
Monday - Thursday: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Tuesday : 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Monday & Wednesday: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

New Smyrna 
Monday: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Tuesday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Flagler Palm Coast
Tuesday: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Monday & Wednesday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.