
CCAMPIS Eligibility

To be eligible for CCAMPIS services, student-parents must:

  • Be eligible to receive a Pell Grant
  • Reside in Flagler or Volusia County
  • Have a minimum cumulative 2.5 GPA for continuing students or be registered as a new student
  • Enroll in a minimum of 6.0 college-level or vocational credit hours
  • Must choose a child care facility on the CCAMPIS Provider list
  • Must create a financial plan to make timely payments 
  • Must complete program requirements to remain eligible for services
Olive and child in stroller on campus

Step One: Choose a Provider

  • It is highly advised student-parents visit and/or contact providers to ensure availability, pricing information, and overall quality. 
  • Our program may be able to assist with a one-time application or registration fee.
If you would like to add a provider that is not on our list, you can submit a request with your application for a childcare provider to be added. Approval is based on the facility's accreditation, licensure, willingness to participate, and 腦瞳憫 State College's approval. Please note this is a timely process and approval is not guaranteed. 
Childcare Providers