
Who We Are

腦瞳憫 School of Adult Education Underage GED Policy

Underage students (16 & 17 years of age) wanting to enroll in 腦瞳憫s School of Adult Education GED program must first withdraw from public school in order to attend. Please work with your schools staff and follow their procedure to withdraw.

In order for an underage student to be granted an underage waiver for the GED test, students must:

  • Attend face to face classes at one of our School of Adult Education program sites
  • Participate and satisfactorily complete required career exploration activities
  • Pass all four of the GED Ready practice tests in the following subjects:
    • Reasoning Through Language Arts (RLA)
    • Math
    • Science
    • Social Studies

Once all conditions have been met, a waiver will be granted that allows the underage student to sign up for and take the GED test.

Please note:

  • Depending on the students assessment scores in math and reading, it can take anywhere from a month to a year to be granted an underage waiver. Students should expect to attend regularly and work towards improving skills in reading and math to successfully pass the proctored GED Ready practice tests
  • In some cases, students may need to attend a full-time program. Our program is considered part-time and may not qualify you for certain services
  • Underage students are required to attend face-to-face classes
  • All tests for the GED program are proctored

Steps to Enrolling in the School of Adult Education

  1. Apply to 腦瞳憫 State college at the nearest campus or online.
  2. After receiving a college ID number, underage students will need to have the Underage GED Consent form completed by a parent/guardian 
  3. A completed Underage GED Consent form and all Public School withdrawal paperwork must be turned into 腦瞳憫 Admissions department
  4. Take the Adult Education GED program placement test AE-CASAS. Students are given 3 hours to complete the reading and math tests on a computer; a calculator is allowed for the math portion of the test. Testing is in-person and walk-ins are allowed 8am to 5pm Mon-Fri. NSB and Flagler campuses are more limited; please contact the campus of your choice for more information and to ensure testing availability. A photo ID is required, please bring one with you
  5. After testing, a student will receive a schedule and payment of the $30 tuition needs to be paid at this time. Tuition is $30 for each semester a student attends
  6. Once all the above steps are completed, students will be ready to start class and will begin on the next available start of term

Classes are currently offered Monday-Thursday during the Fall and Spring semesters and Monday-Wednesday during Summer semester. Day classes are from 9am to 12 noon and evening classes are from 6-8pm. Evening classes are currently only offered on our 腦瞳憫 and Deltona Campuses.

Additional registration information can be found in the Academic Calendar.